Traditional Tai Chi
Tai Chi is a traditional Chinese martial art form, which combines Dao Yin(energy transfer), Tu Na (breathing technique), and Yin-Yang Wu Xing theory (Yin-Yang theory and the five elements: Metal\Wood\Water\ Fire\Earth) to create a graceful and beautiful spiritual art for health and wellness.
There are five styles of Tai Chi: Chen, Yang, Sun, Wu, and Wu. Chen style Tai Chi, the oldest style practiced today and is widely acknowledged to be the ancestor of all other styles. It is known for both slow and fast movements, soft and hard techniques, calm meditation and powerful releases of energy through punches, kicks, leaps, and stomps. These movements are used to ignite and stimulate the body's energy. As you practice Chen and the other styles, you will feel real energy electrifying your body as you connect with nature, blending movement and stillness together to form a beautiful art.
Tai chi is like fine wine that first takes several years just to grow the grapes, then several more years to ferment the grapes into good wine. The traditional training is just like that. You focus first on cultivation of your health and longevity, then slowly build your vitality into strength that you can use for self-defense. Then you return to cultivation for a long life and deepen your practice for spiritual enlightenment.
Recommend courses:
Tai chi 101, posture correction, flow, traditional chen style loajia yilu, etc...